Best Posture Corrector for Seniors [Quick Guide]

Posture affects everything you do. Posture correctors can be used to improve your posture faster. Today we will look at the best posture corrector for seniors.

Let’s face it. Most of us have less than ideal posture these days due to too much sitting and weak muscles. Having a bad posture can cause anything from mild discomfort to debilitating back pain.

If you are in a hurry, here’s my recommendation for the best posture corrector for seniors: Truweo Posture Corrector

Our lifestyle often involves sitting for hours and hours in front of the laptop, TV, in the car, etc. This is like poison to our posture because it deactivates and stretches the muscles of the posterior chain (hamstrings, glutes, back) that are most important for posture.

Fortunately, there is a lot you can do about bad posture! You can both prevent and improve bad posture with strength training but you can also use a posture corrector for faster results.

Having a bad posture can cause all sorts of uncomfortable ailments ranging from mild back pain to frozen shoulders and herniated spinal discs. It can also affect your balance negatively.

When you are in a bad posture, your muscles can’t transfer force properly and your skeleton becomes structurally compromised. This makes you weak and susceptible to injuries, especially in the spine and pelvis.

That said, having a bad posture as a senior is very common. So common actually that it’s rarer to see a senior with a good posture.

Let’s look at what exactly causes bad posture in seniors and what you can do about it with posture correctors

What Causes Bad Posture

Our posture is defined by three things. Muscle strength, skeletal structure, and learned positions. While there is not much you can do to age-related skeletal postural changes, there is a lot you cand do about muscle strength and learned postural positions.

Even if you’ve learned the perfect positions for a healthy posture it’s normal to have your posture worsen as you age. This is the inevitable consequence of reduced muscle mass and strength, especially in your back, abdomen, and hips.

When you lose muscle mass and strength you also lose structural integrity. Your muscles and ligaments are what keep your spine aligned when you are walking, standing or sitting.

This usually happens very gradually. So gradually that you don’t realize you are slouching in bad posture and you learn these positions as the new standard.

Being overweight will make this even a greater problem since most of the excess weight will be on your belly and chest. Gravity will cause you to slouch over even further.

Aging will also cause your spine to compress gradually. The discs between your vertebrae will become stiff, lose elasticity and degrade. This will eventually cause your spine to slouch over. Having strong supportive tissues around the spine can reduce this age-related effect.

So the best way to prevent bad posture in old age is by keeping your back and core muscles strong with strength training (among other benefits), keeping a healthy weight and consciously maintaining good postural positions (i.e. not slouching).

What Are Posture Correctors

Posture correctors are devices that give you support and feedback on your postural position. They typically help you keep your thoracic spine straight and chest open.

Posture correctors are typically simple adjustable harnesses that go over your shoulders and offer thoracic support. The idea is that any time you start to slouch over the harness will pull on your shoulders and support your upper back.

When you combine a posture corrector with regular strength training to strengthen the muscles of the back, you will start improving your posture rapidly.

The biggest mistake you can make is to simply use the posture corrector without any strength training. While this might help you keep a good posture while wearing the devices, you are actually making the muscles responsible for keeping your posture weaker.

When used this way the posture corrector essentially becomes a crutch that seemingly fixes the immediate problem but doesn’t really do anything for your posture.

So if you plan on using a posture corrector, make sure you combine it with strength training. You can download my free weight training routine for seniors to get started. You can read more in this post about improving posture for seniors.

That said, posture correctors are very useful devices for improving posture. This is because they give you instant feedback and support so you subconsciously maintain the proper positions.

Best Posture Corrector for Seniors

So what is the best posture corrector for seniors? Well like I said, I think the most important thing is to start improving your strength and muscle mass of the large muscle of the back, so you don’t need an external posture corrector eventually.

That’s why I think you shouldn’t invest in expensive and complicated posture correctors. Something simple, affordable and proven will do just fine. Remember this is a tool, not the real solution to your problem.

With that in mind, my recommendation is the Truweo Posture Corrector. It’s simple to use, affordable and extremely popular with good reviews. FDA approved as well.


It’s a typical harness type posture corrector so the idea is that the corrector keeps you in correct alignment and in a stable position. Wearing the corrector for some time will develop muscle memory for keeping the correct postural positions.

While some posture correctors are very bulky and restrictive, the Truweo posture corrector is designed to allow completely free movement.

It’s very easy to use and comfortable to wear due to the unisex design and adjustability. It allows chest size from 28″ to 48″ and is designed to be used 1 to 2 hours at a time comfortably.

The corrector is fully washable and made out of breathable fabric so you don’t have to worry about hygiene or chafing. It’s made out of 100% recycled plastic, meaning it’s environmentally friendly as well.

I don’t know about you, but most people don’t exactly like showing that they are wearing postural or medical garments. This is why it’s absolutely great that the Truweo can be worn discreetly under regular clothes. No-one will be able to tell you are wearing one!

Users have commented especially on the comfortability and effectiveness of the product. Many people report reduced back, shoulder and neck pain while using the Truweo posture corrector.

Now get this, it has a 4.4 score out of 5 at Amazon with over 5 000 customer reviews. If that’s not good consumer satisfaction, I don’t know what is!

Combine the Truweo Posture Corrector with a strength training program and you will definitely see improvements in your posture in no time!

How To Improve Posture In The Long Run

If you do decide to get a posture corrector, it’s important to remember that in the long run, your main goal should be to have a good posture without the corrector.

You should treat it as a tool for achieving this goal in conjunction with improving your strength. You can use these simple steps to improve your posture in a matter of weeks or months:

  1. Start using the posture corrector daily. Use at first for around 30 minutes to avoid discomfort.
  2. Once you are used to wearing it, you can increase the time up to 1 to 2 hours at a time. Pay attention to any signs of restricted blood flow and adjust the tightness of the corrector as needed.
  3. Do strength training at least three times a week. 15 to 30 minutes is plenty at the start.
  4. Focus especially on improving strength in the thoracic spine and large muscles of the back. Great exercises for this are deadlifts, squats, and rows.
  5. After wearing the corrector and doing strength training for three to four weeks consistently, start having days without the corrector. Gradually reduce the time you wear the device.
  6. Pay attention to keeping good posture at first when not wearing the corrector. The combination of muscle memory and improved strength in the back will make this second nature.
  7. At this point, you should have significant improvements in your posture. Congratulations!


I hope you found my recommendation for the best posture corrector and tips for improving posture for seniors useful and will try them yourself. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments section below and I promise to get back to you soon!

Having a good posture is very important for your health and overall quality of life as you age. Fortunately keeping a good posture is not rocket science.

Having a strong back and maintaining a healthy weight will go along way, especially when combined with an active lifestyle. That said, if you are having posture issues, a posture corrector might help you maintain a proper posture.

As a final note, I have to point out that the tips and recommendations I presented should work for you if you are otherwise healthy.

There are a lot of age-related degenerative diseases that can affect your posture to the extent that simply improving strength and using a posture corrector can’t fix the problem.

They might help but they might also make things worse, so if you do have a disease that affects your spine or suspect you might have one, always consult your doctor.

If you found this article useful, please subscribe to my newsletter, bookmark my site and share the post in social media!

See you next time!

8 thoughts on “Best Posture Corrector for Seniors [Quick Guide]”

  1. Hi
    Thanks for your informative article.

    I have had a “bad back” for years and was born with a slight twist to my spine. I’ve been wondering about some sort of brace for a while.

    The one that you recommend does look good, and I like the fact that it comes so well recommended on Amazon too.

    I did already know that resistance training would help, and your article has made me decide to start doing this. There is a gym very close to me, so I don’t have an excuse.

    • Glad you found it useful Judy! Strength training can definitely help, even if you have scoliosis or other spine deformities. Just be careful and talk to your doctor if you have any pain. You need to be careful while doing strength training if you have a compromised spine structure. That said, strength training will support any kind of spine and there are actually powerlifters with extreme scoliosis so we are very adaptable.

  2. This article was very helpful! I will trying out is said here and hopefully I will get rid of my slouch! Are there any stretches that are good for helping your posture?

    • Glad you found it useful Russell. Check out the foam rolling article I linked in the post. Foam rolling is great for opening up your upper back!

    • As far as I can tell it’s only the one size with the minimum chest size of 28″. You contact the manufacturer directly to see if they have a smaller one. Would love to hear from you if you found out more! All the best and good luck with improving posture.

  3. Nana Rita I am 95 and would like to improve my poster and arthritic back. the article was very informative, it is never to late to improve. I do sit and be fit on PBS


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