The Best Knee Support Braces For Seniors [Quick Guide]

Welcome to this short guide about the best knee support braces for seniors! In this post, you will learn what to look for in a knee brace and if you should actually use one.

Like I talked about in the post about Knee Strengthening Exercises For Seniors the knee joint is something most don’t think about until something goes wrong with it.

And when something does, it soon becomes apparent how crucial the knees are for freedom of movement. When you have sore or inflamed knees, basic things like squatting down or walking can become impossible.

This is why it’s important to do everything you can to keep your knees strong and healthy.

This includes getting any medical conditions treated, strengthening the muscles and ligaments around the knees (and everywhere else), eating a healthy diet that reduces inflammation and supports joint health, and possibly using supplements and supporting braces.

In this post, we will look at the different kinds of knee support braces and talk about their effectiveness and use.

What Is A Knee Support Brace?

A knee support brace is a device that does exactly what the name suggests, it supports the knee joint. There are several different kinds of supports ranging from very light neoprene ones to complex medical supports that are essentially an external joint that you wear around the knee.

The way a knee brace works is by offering mechanical support to the ligaments and muscles of the joint.

Lighter neoprene knee sleeves don’t offer significant structural support but they help to warm up the connective tissues and help with inflammation by offering a slight compression on the joint.

This can reduce pain significantly and light knee supports are great for seniors to use during exercise and especially strength training.

A high-quality knee sleeve will offer enough support to make you feel more confident as well, so they can be great for getting over the fear of strengthening your knees if you are not confident and feel discomfort without the supports. They can also help you feel more stable and help a bit with balance.

Knee sleeves can are also good knee support for seniors that suffer from arthritis since they help to reduce pain and inflammation by keeping the knees warm.

More complex knee supports include devices that have mechanical hinges on the side and they can include elastic bands or springs that offer resistance and support to the joint.

While there are devices like these on the commercial market, they should be considered medical devices in my opinion. Which takes us to the question if you really need a knee brace?

Do You Need A Knee Brace?

So like we established, there are different kinds of support. Ranging from light sleeves that essentially warm up your knees, to complex devices that stabilize and support the knee.

So how do you know if you actually need a more complex one? As I said, I think these should be considered medical devices and you should never use one without the recommendation by an orthopedist or a physiotherapist.

The reason is that a brace turns into a crutch very easily. Any time you take weight and strain of a biological structure, it starts to atrophy. It becomes weaker.

If you have ever broken a bone, you will know how weak your limb is after the cast is removed. Using structural support for the knees for long periods of time is just like this.

Sure, it might alleviate the pain, but it won’t address the underlying condition. Which can be medical like arthritis or it could be just a case of weak muscles and ligaments around the knee.

But using a brace without knowing the underlying condition can lead to weakening the knee, in the long run making things worse. So always consult a medical professional and never make the decision to use a complex knee brace on your own.

That said, light knee sleeves don’t really possess this issue if you use them only when doing activities that require you to use your knees a lot like strength training, home improvement, yard work, etc.

The only consideration with knee sleeves you need to make is to make sure they are not too tight and that you don’t wear them for too long at a time.

This is because knee sleeves can affect the circulation of your legs and feet. This is especially important if you suffer from diabetes or any kind of vascular ailments of the legs. That’s why it’s always wise to check with a medical professional if you have any doubts about the safety of a medical brace.

Best Knee Support Braces For Seniors

So what kind of knee support should you get if you don’t have an underlying medical condition and just want a bit of support and comfort for your knees?

Knee Sleeves

Like I said earlier, the neoprene-type knee sleeves or knee warmers are your best bet. They are cheap, they are simple and they offer just enough support, compression, and warmth to make exercising more comfortable.

I personally use knee sleeves any time I do harder leg training that includes squats, weight lifting exercises, lunges, etc. I find that knee sleeves help keep my knees pain-free and warm, preventing any issues with the tendons and ligaments under heavy loads.

My recommendation for a sleeve type of knee support are the Cambivo Knee Braces (affiliate link, I earn a small commission if you buy through it, it helps me keep the site running.)

The Cambivos are the best price-quality ratio you can find in online stores. They have a 4.4 out of 5.0 rating at Amazon with over 12 000 user opinions, so you can rest assured they are a high-quality product.

Velcro Supports

One of the biggest issues with the sleeve-type knee braces is that they can be hard to put on if you have significant mobility issues like many seniors do.

You have to reach and pull them over your foot and up to the knees. Something that all people are not unfortunately able to do.

If you think this might be an issue for you, the second-best option is a neoprene knee support with velcro. This allows you to wrap the support around your knee, removing the need to reach to your foot.

They also allow you to adjust the amount of compression by choosing how far you fasten the velcro wraps. Here’s a good example of this type of knee support (affiliate link):

The downside to this is that this type of knee supports will wear down a lot faster. The knee joint has quite a large range of motion and the velcro will give up over time, losing the ability to keep the support fastened.

The sleeve type supports on the other hand will last you virtually forever.


I hope you found this guide about knee support braces useful and it helped you find a solution to your problem. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me in the comments section below.

Knee braces can offer great relief from knee pain and inflammation but it’s important to remember that they don’t treat the underlying issues.

That’s why any kind of more advanced knee brace should be used only if recommended and supervised by a medical professional.

Otherwise, you run the risk of making the underlying issues worse and might become dependent on the brace. Don’t create crutches you don’t need for yourself.

That said, the knee sleeve type supports are great for warming up and offering gentle support to the old knees. Just remember to use them only when you need them as they can affect the circulation of your legs and feet if worn constantly.

But they are perfect for use while you do your strength training routine or any exercise that involves using your legs a lot. The same goes for yard work or anything that involves a lot of squatting for example.

If you found this post useful, feel free to share it on social media to support my website.

Thanks for reading and see you next time!

17 thoughts on “The Best Knee Support Braces For Seniors [Quick Guide]”

  1. Thank you for the detailed article and great tips. l really wish l had read your article before l made the mistake of purchasing the Open Patella Stabilizing Knee Brace. This was after I sprained my knee and l needed some support while recovering. Regretabily, the stitching became loose and the rough straps tore off. To make matters worse, the company’s support was not responsive and l ended up optimg for a compression sleeve. It was quite comfortable, provided warmth and incredible support. Even though my knee is feeling much better now, might continue using the knee compression brace.

    • Glad you found the article useful Melody! The compression sleeves are a great solution for most ailments you can treat without medical advice so it’s good to have a pair around in case of sprains so you can apply cold, compression and elevation fast to reduce the injury.

  2. It looks like you’ve misspelled the word “cand” on your website. I thought you would like to know :). Silly mistakes can ruin your site’s credibility. I’ve used a tool in the past to keep mistakes off of my website.


      • My left knee keeps trying to buckle when walking I don’t want to fall what is best support brace or sleeve for knees that buckle ??I’m 74 please help me with this information thanks

        • Sorry to hear about your knee problems Naomi. Your situation definitely sounds like you need a professional knee support and possibly physiotherapy. Knee braces you can buy online or in health stores are typically only good for temporary sprains and aches. If you have chronic and serious structural and functional issues in your knee, you need to find out what’s causing it and follow the treatment plan of medical professionals.

  3. I had tkr, total knee replacements 12 years ago. It isn’t stressed that the surgery needs to be ‘addressed’ in 10 years. Never willI I endure knee surgery again. Never! I am using the velcro brace to now give support, but knee pain keeps me from sleeping well or walking much. Finding otc pain help hasn’t been helpful. Aleve is more constipating than hydrocodone was! I am angry the abuse of so many who were not cautious, caused hydrocodone to be unavailable for chronic pain. When i can get a presc for 10 pills, i take one a week for one night of relief and sleep. My current dr will not even accommodate that. Can any of your readers who are in the same situation,comment, or if you can offer suggestions re brace or pain relief for worn out knee replacements? My dr offers the idea of a pain clinic for bio feedback, pt, steroids, yada yada. I have tried but all logistics of getting to pain clinics and home again is something he doesn’t relate to. I have tried different doctors, but sifting is exhausting.

    • I’m very sorry to hear about your situation Carol. I will leave your post visible here so readers can comment with their experiences and hopefully give you some tips on how to go about your knee pain. I know sifting doctors is frustrating and exhausting but it’s important you get medical treatment as chronic pain can be very debilitating. I wish you good luck in finding an effective treatment for your knee pain!

    • I had my left knee replaced in 2001, and it was fine until I fell on it. The fall did not break anything, but it bruised the knee. I’m mid-way through PT with it, and the pain continues. I use Lidocraine 5% Patches above and below it, and that reduces the pain. The patches last for 12 hours. Carol, I’m with you for no more surgery. If your doctor approves of ‘patches,’ you might give them a try.

    • Sorry to hear you were disappointed with the content, Leah. I did include an example of a generic velcro knee brace though. The truth is that all the velco knee braces I’ve seen or tried are very similar. But there are of course differences in sizes and fits, so the best option is to try one in a local shop. But most velcro knee brace you can work online will fit most people and they are usually pretty affordable so buying online is a pretty safe option as well. Hope this helps!

  4. Doc wants to replace my knee, but I am soon to be 88 yrs old & have other problems: Afib, blood thinning meds, etc. I can stand the pain, but my knee, bone-on-bone, feels like I am falling. What kind of knee brace can I use?

    • Hi Helen, sorry to hear about your health problems. I can’t give you medical advice and with diagnosed medical conditions it’s important to follow your treating doctors recommendations. It might be a good idea to consult a certified physiotherapist to find the most supportive brace for your condition and to see if physical therapy could help alleviate the symptoms a bit.

  5. I’m 79 and have had ACL reconstruction on both knees. I am an avid skier, less now than when I was younger, and now have OA in both knees. I have used the DonJoy OA Reaction brace for years and it has allowed me to ski without my knees becoming so achy & painful that I had to quit. I would highly recommend this brace – it is comfortable, effective, adjustable, and can be worn during daily activities as well as when running, biking, skiing, etc.

    Please recommend it in future articles as a way to help seniors continue to stay active. Anything that helps relieve knee pain so that we don’t need additional surgery is worth recommending.

    • Thanks for the great input from personal experience Jill! I will leave your recommendation here for other to see and research the product to maybe include in this and future articles. I agree with you that anything that helps avoid surgery is worth recommending!


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