Electrolyte Drinks For Seniors – Do You Need Them?

Hello Friend! In this post, you will learn about electrolyte drinks for seniors. What they are for, do you need them and how to use them?

If you are not familiar with electrolyte drinks I bet you have heard about sports drinks like Gatorade.

Electrolytes drinks are designed to replenish your electrolyte levels which are needed for your cells to function correctly.

Electrolytes are also very important for hydration because if you are losing a lot of water through sweat and urine and just drinking water, you will eventually dilute

This is why athletes often use electrolyte-containing sports drinks during extended exercises. A cyclist or a soccer player can lose a lot of water through water, especially in a hot climate.

If they just guzzle down water, they can start to have problems with muscle function due to the loss of electrolytes and dilution of blood.

Exercise also increases the demand for electrolytes because they are used in muscle contractions and cell metabolism.

But that’s athletes. How about seniors? Can you benefit from electrolytes and in what situations? Let’s take a look.

What Are Electrolytes

Before we talk more about electrolyte drinks it’s important to have a basic understanding of electrolytes.

Electrolytes are minerals that your body uses for cell metabolism and signaling, muscle contractions, and to balance the pH (acidity and alkalinity) levels.

The most important electrolytes are sodium, calcium, potassium, and magnesium. Typically you will get all the electrolytes you need from your diet.

Most foods contain at least some electrolytes as do most sources of water.

Electrolytes are stored in all of your bodily fluids, especially in the bloodstream and within the cells.

If you have ever received intravenous fluids, the base will be made out of saline. Which is saltwater with a matching amount of sodium and other electrolytes as your bloodstream.

This is because water moves between your cells and bloodstream through a process called osmosis. In osmosis water will move through cell membranes towards the more concentrated solution until a similar concentration is achieved.

This is why electrolyte drinks can be beneficial if the demand for electrolytes is high and/or you are losing a lot of fluids. Like during strenuous exercise, extreme heat, or medical conditions like diarrhea and vomiting.

If you just drink plain water (or receive a plain water IV) you can dilute your bloodstream to the point, that excess water enters your cells due to osmosis. This can be lethal.

Tap water will typically have some electrolytes, depending on where it’s taken from and how it’s processed but usually, the concentration is a lot lower than in your cells.

Hydration and electrolytes is a fairly complex topic but the key takeaway is that you need both water and electrolytes for your body to function correctly. You receive electrolytes mostly from your diet, but under certain circumstances supplementation might be necessary.

Do You Need Electrolyte Drinks

Now that we know what electrolytes are, let’s talk a bit about if you really need to supplement them.

Typically healthy individuals will not need to supplement with electrolytes if they eat a diverse diet.

Electrolyte drinks can even have negative effects as they affect your hydration status and can affect your blood pressure.

This is why seniors should always discuss the need for electrolyte drinks or supplements with their healthcare provider.

That said, there are situations and conditions when electrolyte drinks might be beneficial. These are typically situations where you have to consume a lot of fluids to prevent dehydration.

So electrolyte supplementation can be beneficial if you are exercising a lot, especially in a hotter climate.

Also during extreme heatwaves, it might be beneficial to include electrolytes in your water as you will need to drink a lot to stay hydrated due to sweating.

Electrolytes can also be beneficial if you are losing a lot of fluids due to stomach flu or other medical conditions that cause vomiting, diarrhea, excessive sweating, or excessive urination.

Just beware that you should never try to treat medical conditions with electrolyte drinks without a diagnosis and professional guidance on their use.

Types Of Electrolyte Drinks

I personally like to categorize electrolyte drinks into three categories. Mineral waters, sports drinks, and electrolyte drinks.

Mineral Water

Mineral waters have a varying amount of minerals that act as electrolytes in them. Mineral waters can be made out of natural spring water or the minerals can be added artificially.

Mineral waters are a safe way for most people to increase their electrolyte intake and they are usually better for hydration than tap water or spring water with low minerals.

That said, it’s important to realize that many mineral waters are high in sodium. Most people get too much sodium from their diet.

Too much sodium intake can affect your blood pressure and kidney function, so it’s not wise to add it to your water source.

Instead, opt for mineral waters that are low in sodium and high in potassium, magnesium, and calcium. Mineral water with magnesium is useful in preventing nocturnal leg cramps in my experience.

While mineral water is safe for most seniors, it’s important to talk to your doctor if you have health conditions that affect your metabolism and hydration.

This includes but is not limited to reduced kidney function, high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart failure.

Sports Drinks

Sports drinks are drinks that are designed to replenish electrolytes and hydration for athletes. They often include glucose or some form of carbohydrate to provide fast energy.

Sports drinks are typically full of artificial sweeteners and coloring substances, they include unnecessary calories from carbohydrates and they are expensive.

More importantly, the electrolyte distribution is designed with hydration and energy for athletes in mind.

Sports drinks can also include other substances like caffeine, vitamins, and minerals for increased energy during exercise.

Because of this sports drinks are not the optimal electrolyte drink for seniors. But if you are very active and often do exercise like running or cycling in hot weather, they might be a good option during exercise.

Electrolyte drinks

Finally, we have actual electrolyte drinks that usually come in the form of dissolvable tablets that you add to plain water.

You can find this at grocery stores and pharmacies with different kinds of ingredients.

The best options are ones that simply have electrolytes in them without artificial flavorings or colorings.

Unfortunately, just like sports drinks, many electrolyte drinks come with all sorts of additives like caffeine, sweeteners and even sugar.

So check the ingredients before buying and just like with mineral water, make sure there aren’t high levels of sodium in the tablets.

Electrolyte drink tablets are not something most people need to supplement daily, but they can be useful to have around for long hikes or kayaking, cases of stomach flu, or heat waves.

Because electrolyte tablets will store basically forever, you can add them to your water if you have been sweating a lot or losing a lot of fluids and are feeling weak or dehydrated on the go.

Just remember that dehydration is always serious, especially for seniors, so always seek medical attention if you are suspecting you are significantly dehydrated.


I hope you found this post about electrolyte drinks for seniors useful and it gave you some ideas on how to use electrolyte drinks.

If you have any questions, feel free to leave them in the comments section below and I will get back to you.

As a recap, electrolytes are crucial for hydration and bodily functions. Under normal circumstances, you will receive all the electrolytes you need from your diet.

If you are losing a lot of fluids due to exercise, hot weather, or medical conditions, electrolyte drinks can help you keep hydrated and replenish electrolyte levels.

Hydration and electrolytes are a complex topic and many medical conditions can be contraindications for electrolyte use, so always discuss electrolyte supplements with your healthcare provider.

Thanks for reading and see you next time!


14 thoughts on “Electrolyte Drinks For Seniors – Do You Need Them?”

  1. Good topic for seniors needing mention to their PCM’s!

    It’s on my list for next time they mention, “blood work.”

  2. My sodium keeps reporting what is the best one to drink for me I can’t keep in in my system and have to go have 5 saline drips contains sodium and electrolytes fellas I bought the electrolyte fizzy tablets but I don’t know if this is safe I am 71 yrs old can you recommend what to buy to keep me out of hospital I have long covid.with causes severe headaches gastric stomach and extreme weight loss (44k) I caught civic in hospital and although I’m clear now the long civic is crippling me.I have extreme lethargic and sleep deprivation since!what can I drink to replace these symptoms? Please help.Mrs Georgina holloway.

    • Truly sorry to hear about your situation Georgina. I can’t give you medical advice. Your symptoms seem very severe so I urge you to get medical attention as soon as possible! Do not try to solve medical problems with the information in this article or elsewhere online, this can make things worse.

  3. hi
    I am an active 69 yr old female.
    I worked a very physical job several days a week. On those days I drink kinderlyte electrolytes. And sometimes I drink Gerolsteiner sparkling mineral water.
    my question is I notice on the Gerolsteiner mineral water that it contains 1800 bicarbonate ? i’m not clear what that is or if it is too much. I would just like to understand what that is. Thank you for your help.

    • Hi Fran! I think the 1800 refers to an amount and bicarbonate refers to HCO3, which is an ion containing hydrogen, carbon and three oxygen atoms. In sparkling water the bubbles are dissolved CO2 aka carbon dioxide, which forms HCO3 ions when dissolved into water. So I think the bicarbonate just refers basically to the bubbles in your water. Bicarbonate can also be a part of the salts in the mineral water. For example sodium or potassium bicarbonate. If they tell you how much sodium and how much potassium the drink contains, they might list the other component of those salts (bicarbonate/HCO3) separately. Either way, I’m quite sure bicarbonate is completely harmless, as it’s formed also in your body. I would not worry about. I’m an engineer, not a chemist, so feel free to correct me anybody 🙂

  4. I walk fairly regularly for about 40 minutes but I still feel muscular pain. I feel all this walking should put me in better shape. Will more electrolytes help? I don’t drink much water.

    • Hi Bob! Do you feel the pain in the muscles you use to walk or in general? There are many medical conditions that can cause muscle pain and reduced tolerance for exercise. So you should definitely consult a medical professional. There is some evidence that electrolytes can reduce delayed onset muscle soreness and ramps in strenuous exercise (marathons, triathlons, soccer matches etc.). But it’s unlikely that electrolytes will reduce muscle pain you experience from walking. If your muscular pain is due to cramping, it might be worth a shot though. I would also recommend taking up strength training. It will likely be more beneficial for preventing muscle soreness than walking. Just a word of warning, you will likely experience muscle soreness in the beginning. But if you start light it should be very manageable and will subside as you progress. Hope this helps!

  5. What about electrolysized water? Can that be beneficial? I am confued about Electroysis and Hydrogen water? I understand both can be drunk – I broke my electrolysis bottle and because my laptop was not working my neighbour ordered one for me – I do not know how but I ended up with a Hydrogen bottle, which appeared to work the same with an electric current passing through, so I filled it with water adding 2ml of salt as I did when using th3e electrolysis bottle and found it was just a good cleaner as my first bottle! In fact it cleaned neglected brass! Never tried this before! I have yellow floor tiles with beige coloured grouting which goes quite black – both liquids bring the grouting looking like new – Flash did not! Never facied drinking the water and words stated the liquid had to be used within 2 weeks. I understand hospitals use electrosized water for sterilising and cleaning. Instead of throwing away disposable gloves, they should be washed in treated water before being taken off hands so can be used many times.

    • Hi June! Electrolysed water is a completely different thing and it’s indeed used as a disinfectant. I think it might not be safe to drink and I would encourage you not to. In electrolysis an electric current is used to break down water into hydrogen and oxygen. The oxygen part reacts with the sodium and chlorine in the water creating caustic salts and acids if I remember correctly (chemistry was never my strong suite…). Because the hydrogen is released in the process it might be called that also, I don’t really know. The electrolytes our bodies use are kind of the same but a bit of a different thing. Yes, sodium is one of them and they partake in biochemical reactions. The important thing is that you need to get the electrolytes from your diet and if you exercise or sweat a lot, you will need more. Hope this helps!

    • With leg cramps I would recommend an electrolyte supplement that has a well absorbing magnesium compound in it. I used to suffer from nocturnal leg cramps when I was younger but supplementing consistently with magnesium eliminated that problem. I do recommend you ask your doctor as electrolyte supplements can have effects to medications and health conditions. Especially if you have any type of heart disease.


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