Best Roller Skates For Seniors [Quick Guide]

Not many seniors think about starting roller skating but it’s actually a great hobby. In this quick guide, I’ll show you what are the best roller skates for seniors!

Rollers skating and skateboarding are usually seen as activities of the youth but more and more adults and seniors are giving these excellent forms of exercise a chance.

Roller skating is fun and effective exercise as well as a great way to get around if you are able to master it. Roller skating is definitely not for everybody, it’s very challenging and the risk of falling down and injuring is high is you are not experienced with skating.

That said if you have experience in regular skating, downhill skiing, skateboarding or any other form of exercise that requires you to balance over slippery equipment you will find roller skating relatively easy.

On the other hand, if you have never done any form of skating or skiing I can’t really recommend starting on roller skates because falling down on asphalt can have bad consequences.

But since you are looking for the best roller skates for seniors, it’s important to know there are some considerations you should take.

Best Roller Skates For Seniors

So what makes good roller skates for seniors? Well, there is one quality that is more important than anything else. That’s stability.

There are mainly two types of roller skates on the market today. Inline skates and classic skates with two axels of side by side wheels.

While the classic skates might seem like a more stable option, they are actually not. They are more stable when you are simply standing on them or rolling freely, but they are unstable while you kick.

Inline skates offer a much more natural skating technique that resembles regular skating. When you kick for speed, you simply slide your active leg out and let the lead foot roll forward.

Because the skates are inline, your ankle has to stabilize your foot and the skate sideways compared to classic roller skates. If you are used to ice skating, you won’t likely have any trouble with this but if you are new to skating, this might seem strenuous at first.

To make things even harder, many seniors simply lack the strength to keep their ankles stable and straight while wearing the skates.

This is where different roller skates differ a lot. Beginner and seniors friendly skates will have more ankle and foot support than professional tricking skates. The support is essentially meant to compensate for lack of strength.

My recommendation are the Bladerunner Advantage Pro XT beginner roller skates. They are designed for beginners and are designed to offer additional stability, control, and comfort.


They have a very sturdy and supportive composite shell that goes all the way over your ankle. The tightening system with buckles, lace, and strap allows you to essentially stabilize your ankle completely by wrapping the hard shell tightly around your ankle and shin.

The skates are true to size and a very snuck fit. The liner is padded for a very snug fit. This makes them both comfortable stable. It’s very important with skates that your foot stay as secure as possible.

The standard wheels are designed for moderate speeds which is perfect for seniors skates.  The skates have great reviews and especially inexperienced skaters love them for their stability and sturdiness.

Is Roller Skating Safe For Seniors?

If you are wondering if roller skating is safe for seniors I’ll have to honestly tell you no, it really isn’t. This is because roller skating can’t really be considered “safe” for anyone.

After all, it involves moving your body at high speeds, usually in an urban environment with less than perfect ability to brake. The potential to fall, trip or collide with something is real.

If you do fall or crash, you will usually have a minimal amount of protection so the potential for injury is very real. The risks are even greater for seniors because aging affects your reaction times, athletic ability and balance. Seniors will also have reduced bone and muscle mass, making them more prone to fractures and severe bruises.

That said, many things in life that are fun and worth doing aren’t really safe. Cycling isn’t really safe, kayaking isn’t really safe, even walking has its dangers. Driving a car is one of the most dangerous you can do.

So if you enjoy roller skating or think you might enjoy it, it’s up to you to decide if it’s worth the risks. In my books, anything that I find fun and exciting is worth at least exploring with risk.

You should remember that there’s a very high skill component in skating. If you have never even ice skated you will have a very steep learning curve and roller skating might not be the right activity for you.

How your skate affects a lot how safe roller skating will be for yourself. If you use safety equipment and use common sense like never going faster than you can handle or going blindly through corners or a new street you should be just fine.

So if you can get over the risks and think you might have the necessary skills there are a lot of benefits roller skating can offer to your health.

Benefits Of Roller Skating

Roller skating is an excellent form of aerobic endurance exercise. It will help you improve and maintain your cardiovascular health and improve your oxygen uptake.

Because roller skating requires s very high level of balance skill, it’s excellent for maintaining and improving your balance. Balance is one of the most important skills for seniors because having a good sense of balance will reduce your likelihood of suffering falls.

Finally, roller skating will help you maintain your strength and muscle mass especially in the legs and the core muscles. Lower body strength is important for balance and independent movement.

Having a strong core is very important for posture, balance and preventing back pain and spinal injuries like herniated disks. Roller skating challenges your core muscles quite effectively.

That said it’s always important to remember that strength training is superior for improving strength and muscle mass when compared to any form of aerobic exercise.

Roller Skating Safety Accessories

If you do decide to get roller skates it’s very important to get some safety accessories as well. When you fall or crash with skates, there is nothing else there to protect your body than the safety equipment.


I shouldn’t even have to tell you how important wearing an appropriate roller skate helmet while skating is. The helmet is the only thing between your head and concrete in the worst-case scenario.

They say it isn’t the speed that kills you, it’s the sudden stop. If you hit something hard with your head, your brains will decelerate at an incredible speed. I’m sure you can imagine how dangerous this is.

Any kind of padding that gives your brain a few milliseconds more to slow down can literally be the thing between life and death. This is why wearing a helmet is so extremely important.

Knee Pads

If you fall, there are two places that will take the brunt of the fall. Your knees are the first ones. While knees are not anyway as critical to protecting as your head, it’s nice to be able to walk after a fall.

Knee pads can mean the difference between a bruised ego and permanent disability due to crushed knee caps and torn ligaments. So please wear them.


Wrist Pads

Wrists are the second place on your body that will soften your fall. When you fall you will instinctually soften the blow with your hands. The wrists at the base of your hands are the point where most of the force will be felt.

Wrist pads help to protect your wrists from nasty fractures and asphalt bites. A pair of high-quality wrist pads can be the difference between a little discomfort and open fractures.



I hope you found my recommendations useful and if you do decide to get skates you will consider my recommendations. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments section below.

There aren’t many seniors that have the courage to roller skate but if you have an athletic background, good balance skills and think skating is fun, there is no reason why you couldn’t roller skate as a senior.

Just keep in mind that the risks increase with age so it’s wise to invest in proper safety equipment, take things slow and use common sense.

That said, roller skating is great exercise that will help you stay healthy and active into older age. The benefits for your cardiovascular health, balance, and strength are obvious. Just keep safe so you can enjoy other activities as well!

If you found this post useful, please subscribe to my newsletter, bookmark my site and share it on social media.

See you next time!

38 thoughts on “Best Roller Skates For Seniors [Quick Guide]”

  1. I would only disagree in that the most important factor in a skate is boot fit. it doesn’t matter how supportive any skate is if (e.g.) you have a wide foot, or very short legs – so the cuff hits you at the largest point on your calf – or both – so that the skate is too painful to use.

    I will be 60 soon, and I’m returning to skating after MANY years away. I tried a pair of highly recommended Rollerblades some years ago, and they were agonizing torture devices.

    People come in all shapes and sizes. To an extent, so do skates. The best option is a good fitting at a knowledgeable local shop that carries multiple brands and models. For those of us who do not live near a shop, an excellent online shop with multiple brands, informative listings, responsive customer support and a generous return policy is of paramount importance. I have high hopes of the skates I have on order – but only because I’ve done my homework.

    • Very good point Sharon about the boot fit! Somehow it escaped my. It’s absolutely true that a skate has to be good fit or otherwise it will be either unstable or simply too painful to use. Thanks for your shop recommendation as well! I agree that the best way is to try them out in a professional shop if possible.

    • Sharon, 53 here, also getting back into skating. Would very much appreciate knowing what you bought and from whom. Thanks!

      • Hi Sharon! I’m 53 also and have started skating again. I bought C7’s and am very happy with them. I’ve been to 2 outdoor skates in the last week. Because I am older, I bought a helmet and protective gear from Triple 8 in cute pastel colors. I’ve gotten tons of compliments on my skates and gear!

  2. Hi, I’ll be 60 later this year and was a avid roller skater from the age of 12 untill 20. When my girls got old enough to skate ,I’d go skate with them on their birthdays the years we’d have their birthday party at the rink. I’ve since been once or twice with my grand daughter when she was in elementary school ,she’s in high school now so it’s been awhile since I’ve been on skates. I’ve only skated on four wheel skates and would like to start skating again more less for exercise . I live in the country and unfortunately all the skating rinks anywhere close to me have closed down. I’m needing a good pair of out door skates that I can switch the wheels to indoor if I can find a rink to go to. I’m wanting to stick with four wheel skates
    Any suggestions ?

    • Thanks for taking the time to comment Beth! Sorry to hear all the skating rinks in your area are closed down, I guess it’s the same everywhere. Most skates have interchangeable wheels since they are the one part that needs replacing every now and then. So any reputable brand skates should have standard wheels that can be changed when needed. Requires a bit of work with tools but it’s fairly simple and fast.

    • You can’t go wrong with Reidel skates. I recently purchased the Crew. They are leather so they will “give” with a bit of time and have padded tongue and ankles to minimize rub. Also, call me a chicken, but I feel great skating pushing my dog’s stroller. I still get the cardio and strengthening benefit with the reduced danger of falling. Keep in mind that all strollers are designed differently. I use a “jogging” stroller. The forces are distributed differently when walking, jogging or skating so you need to be sensible about it. One buggy is more stable when I rollerblade with 1 dog and the other is more stable with both small dogs. It depends on the center of gravity and other factors, so one needs to approach this with caution. Have fun and please be careful! Personally I don’t think there is a better activity than skating at 64yo.

  3. I have skated well earlier in my life. I am an active walker, but I want to skate again. I like quad skating. I have a pair designed for competitive skating that I bought years ago but I didn’t understand the distinction when I bought them. The wheels are too slippery, or at least they feel slippery and too “fast”. Are the wheel products labeled “gummy” liable to grip sidewalk cement better?

    • Thanks for taking the time to comment Carls! Not familiar with gummy wheels, but generally speaking the softer the wheel, the better the traction. The downside is that they will wear out a lot faster, especially on hot cement.

  4. Same here. Because of covid, I started watching roller skating online (You Tube) and really got interested for balance. It’s been so inspiring to watch the Moxi skate girls, and they used to do ‘derby.’ But the 1 rink is closed. I’m 64 and got some skates along with all gear, helmet, wrist, knee, elbow guards, and a padded snowboarding shorts. I’m scared to fall and don’t even go fast. I’m happy to just get around the smooth tiled basement that is my gym area. I have no kids and live alone so it’s no fun to practice and I really can’t wait to take them off. Not sure where it will go from here. 🙁

    • Glad to hear you got excited about skating Pat! It really is great for improving and maintaining balance. I think what you are doing is the best approach while the lockdown continues. Training anything alone can be a drag, but think about how fun it will be to go to the rink when you have good basic skills from all your home practice! It’s wise to use protective gear and avoid falling. Fractured bones is the one thing you really want to avoid at your age. The good news is that when you can skate well, your likelihood of falling in any situation will be a lot smaller.

      • Thanks! I’m pretty cautious. I was pushed hard from behind at a skating rink when I was about 8-10 and broke my wrist. I guess some inconsiderate clowns were racing. No wrist guards back then. The only problem with wearing the snowboard shorts is the padding makes you have a huge back end. 🙁

        • Sorry to hear about your negative experience as a child Pat. Fortunately, it’s much more unlikely for someone to push an adult to the ground intentionally. But accidents of course happen so it’s better to be prepared. Ha! I know what you mean about the pants. But I guess it’s a choice between looks and safety. And it’s definitely better to choose the latter when doing any sports. Being injured isn’t a good look either, don’t you think? 😉

    • I am 64 years old and I have gotten back into skating because 2 years ago I was having problems with my balance especially on my right side. I thought that it was just a cause of age. Then one day I lost all of my balance on my right side for several hours. I had to attend rehabilitation. That is where I was asked if I had ever skated before. I said “Yes” 56 years ago. I was informed that people begin to naturally lose their balance at age 40 with the greatest losses occurring in their mid 60’s and that a return to skating can return a person’s balance to 90%. Having gotten back into skating I no longer need a walker. I prefer inline skates to quad skates. It has also caused my blood sugar levels to drop.

      • John, I am nearing 62 and fell in love watching inline skating online. Now I want to try it. I’m over weight, not in perfect health, even have a semi bad knee. But I can walk, work and so forth. Did you say you used a walker to walk around and since you have started skating you don’t have anymore? Impressive. I don’t need a walker, but I never could ice skate because of weak ankles. I’m told inline skate boots stabilize your ankles better. We’ll see! Don’t plan on any competitions or massive tricks. Just think it may be a fun way to get back into shape. Good luck!

      • Hello I am 60 years old I was just trying to rollerskate on day one I fell backwards and broke my wrist I am attempted to try it again although I had no gear on rollerskates which do you think would be easier for me rollerskates or rollerblades

        • Roller Skates (quads), I am 58 and was a roller skater and when my son, who is now 30 years old found $20 in the mall and he talked his dad and I to walking over to Sports Authority and buying roller blades. Knowing I had tried ice skating before and didn’t master that at all should have been a clue in-line would not be for me either. I kept trying and gave up. A girl that hung out with the guys was going to the skate park to watch the boys and I happily gave her my skates since hers were too small. It has been roller skates every since. Heads up on buying a used pair of skates on Ebay. They may look good but you can see the inside where the toe is there is no way this pair can be fixed. I bought rink wheels and then had to get a new pair of skates. Make sure you have the correct wheels for your surface.

  5. I’m curious why no mention of other protective gear that’s available in the inevitable event that one does fall, right on their keester…do you recommend and/or know if body armor ( like roller derby or snowboarders wear is a good idea and if they work for seniors who might be prone to fractures or want to protect back and neck?

    • Thanks for the comment Melody! That’s a great idea. I’ll see into it. The truth is that I’m not that into roller skating myself, but I know it’s an excellent form of exercise, especially for balance. The roller derby and snowboarding armors would definitely offer some protection but I’ll have to do some research if there are better options.

  6. I have just turned 71 and there are two things I would like to do before God calls me home get back on roller skates and getting taking a ride on a motorcycle. My kids say no but I really want to. What do you think

    • I believe you should always follow your dreams Cheryl! That said, I can’t give you advice, you have to weight risks and make a decision on your own.

    • Go for it Cheryl I’m 74 and just about to start Skating again after years of none skating Going to try out in my local park as No skate rinks around where i live maggie m

    • I’m 72 Feb 9 2022. I’ve got new quads, pads, padded shirts, and a helmet coming tomorrow.
      I’m going to start practicing in my driveway and then step 2 will be to practice in a nearby tennis court.
      There is a small skatepark next to it, so I’ll be giving the teenagers something to laugh at. ?
      I’m going to take it slow. I’ve been watching YouTube skate videos on technique and safety and I can’t wait to get started.
      I’m wondering if you started skating?

      • 62 years young. Started back skating 1 year old. Has made the difference in everything for me. I skate at Rinks, the youngsters are always shocked…..I wear sexy sparkling outfits, dance and get exercise to good music- may even become a “Cougar” LOL………Go for it!

  7. So inspiring reading these lovely comments. I’m 56. I bought some cool new boot skates but after trying them for the first time on our wood floors, I nearly had heart failure. It was so slippery and my balance was off. My legs were trembling. What happened to me? I used to roller skate, ice-skate, skateboard and do gymnastics when I was younger! Now I’ve turned into absolute garbage. Roller skating is on my bucket list. I hope I get my balance back (and my confidence).

    • Sounds completely normal Mia! Skating in any form is very demanding on your balance and the trembling is caused by your body trying its best to establish balance. But guess what? You’ve learned the skill before, so it’s much faster to re-learn it. You know what they say about riding a bike, it’s just like that. Just be safe, avoid falls at any cost as they can be detrimental when you are older. Strengthen your legs and core and improve your mobility so you have a strong base to build your skill back. You’ll be skating like in your youth in no time!

  8. Hi, great article and comments! I’m 67 and I recently went roller skating (out of state) with my grandchildren and I had so much fun! I use to roller skate a lot as a child and teenager, but it had been at least 30 + years since I had skated. I used one of those walkers to help me get into it, to avoid falling, and for safety purposes. By the end of my time (about one hour), I almost felt ready to skate without it. The skating rink we went to offered “skating lessons” for adults of all ages, especially for seniors, so when I returned home (Philadelphia, PA & Delaware County areas), I haven’t been able to find a skating rink that offers lessons. I hope to skate again with my grandchildren and even on my own. When I did it, I definitely had concerns about possible fall risks and my safety, which is why I used the walked they rent out for adults (they have them for young children, also, of course). I had so much fun skating, I’m willing to give it a try again! Thanks for this Information!

    • Great to hear you found a rink that offered lessons for seniors and walkers to help with stability while skating! That’s a great idea from them. The fall risk is definitely a real one that you have to take more seriously the older you get. That said, skating is probably one of the best forms of exercise to PREVENT falls as it’s super effective in improving your balance. I hope you get to skate again soon and thank you for the wonderful information, Donna!

  9. Your recommendations are totally wholesome. I am living in India, after travelling all over the world, including the US, as a professional electronic engineer. I am 75, very fit and light in weight, on a vegetarian diet, have been having a cold water bath daily for sixty years, in extreme climatic conditions (3 deg to 50 deg. Celsius).
    I climb 1000 steps on a hill/temple park closeby, followed by 40 min. of badminton doubles. I have started roller blading since a month and find it very invigorating, after a break of sixty years. I have replaced the wheels and bearings on my first pair
    to better suit the surface on which I skate, and wear a full complement of safety accessories. However, I have had three falls due to poor wheels and uneven surfaces ( I have sprained my right thumb ligaments, that should get fixed in a week), our streets are not at all skates or pedestrian friendly, so skating indoors only till I am able to locate a senior friendly indoor rink closeby.
    I would love to be in touch and read about the experience of others in this exciting sport that can keep one fit and slow down aging.

    • Thank you for the kind words Chandrashekhar! I just watched a documentary series on the secrets of the so called “blue zones” where there are exceptionally high incidence on centenarians. The series looked at common factors between the areas to possibly explain the high average age. Vegetarian or near vegetarian diet from unprocessed foods was one of the dietary factors, so you have that dialed in. Physical activity and avoiding being sedentary were very important. But it seemed it was more important to stay active with daily chores, walking, working etc. Low intensity exercise for very long time instead of grueling workouts. The one exercise that was actually mentioned as beneficial was tennis. I’m sure badminton is a close enough substitute. Living in hilly environment was also beneficial. So you have a lot of the good things covered for aging :). Besides diet and activity it seems that it’s important to avoid stress, socialize and find meaning and passion. Sorry for the tangent, your story just seemed to fit the narrative of that documentary perfectly.

      Welcome to the site and to the discussion. Skating can be super fun as long as you keep safe, so I’m glad to hear you have found this hobby 🙂

    • Thank you Art! I checked your video. You’re definitely a better skater than I am lol. Love the vibes and the scenery, keep up the good work! I don’t allow link sharing in the comments but I’ll leave your url here, so people can copy it manually to check it out.


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