CBD Oil And Seniors [Is It Safe?]

In this post, you will learn about CBD oil and seniors. Are the hype and health claims true? Read on to find out.

CBD has taken the health scene with force in the past decade or so. If you have followed the news it’s been claimed to help with everything from pain to indigestion and stress.

But the question is if these claims are true and are there potential side effects or health concerns? Especially for seniors.

The green wave has swooped over America and a large part of the western world. As cannabis has become legalized, it has become more widely used and accepted.

Formerly seen mainly as an illegal street drug used for getting high, it’s now regarded as a relatively safe recreational substance for relaxation. In many places it has

It’s also clear that many people are using cannabis to self-medicate various ailments and there’s a whole business around doctors prescribing medicinal cannabis as well.

While there is no doubt that plant medicine has many medicinal uses, it’s important to remember that it’s not a magic bullet without side effects.

People tend to romanticize “natural remedies” and often see them as a healthier and safer option to “big pharma” medicine.

But there is one thing the medicinal companies and government regulations do well. They make sure the drugs you use are clean and at least reasonably safe. At least when prescribed and used accordingly.

But is CBD an exception and is it something you should try? Let’s find out.

What Is CBD Oil

CBD oil is an oil containing CBD or cannabidiol. CBD is fat-soluble, so it can be dissolved into any kind of oil. Not surprisingly it’s often dissolved in hemp oil.

This is because CBD is extracted from the Cannabis Sativa plant, also known as hemp.

Cannabis has countless different compounds like cannabinoids and terpenes that many of have effects in your body. But the two most common compounds in cannabis are THC and CBD.

THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is the most well-known as it’s responsible for the intoxicating and psychoactive effects of cannabis. So THC is what gets a weed smoker high.

CBD on the other hand doesn’t make you high or affect your head in any way, at least not directly. It’s actually claimed to have mood-stabilizing effects.

CBD oil doesn’t typically contain THC, but in the US you need to be specific if you don’t want to get high since many states have legalized cannabis so there are also THC-containing extracts available.

In the US and in many other countries CBD oil is available over the counter in pharmacies and supplement shops and even in supermarkets in some places.

What Is CBD Oil Used For

CBD oil has been heavily marked to be effective for several health problems and ailments.

CBD has been claimed to help with pain, anxiety, depression, insomnia, seizures, skin conditions, digestion, and the list goes on and on. It’s been effectively marketed almost as a panacea.

Besides CBD oil there are CBD pills, vape pens, smokable CBD cannabis strains, and cosmetics just to name a few example products. There is even CBD-infused toothpaste available.

CBD is also marketed as a health supplement even if you don’t have any ailments. It’s claimed to reduce stress and inflammation, keeping your body healthy.

It might surprise you that the scientific base for these health claims isn’t really very strong. Most of the claims are based on anecdotal evidence, meaning people’s experiences.

Is CBD Oil Effective?

Let’s take a quick look at how well researched CBD actually is.

It’s important to remember that CBD is extracted from the cannabis plant, which has been classified as a drug in most parts of the world.

Because of this researchers haven’t really been able to research the different compounds in the plant very effectively, even though it’s been known for many millennia that hemp has beneficial medical uses.

So CBD has been researched in any kind of meaningful amount only in the past couple of decades.

The good news is that there is some evidence for the beneficial effects of CBD at least on anxiety, insomnia, arthritis, and addiction.

But it’s important to recognize that the research is still ongoing and preliminary. It will still take years before we know what CBD is effective for and if there are side effects or negative health effects.

Is CBD Oil Safe?

So is CBD oil safe to consume even though there is still little evidence for its effectiveness?

There is evidence that CBD is a relatively safe compound, so it should be relatively safe to try CBD products.

But here lies the problem. CBD products are supplements, meaning that they are not as well regulated as pharmaceuticals.

This means that the quality control and safety regulations of supplements, including CBD are not nearly as strict as with prescribed and otc drugs sold at the pharmacy.

With supplements, you can never be 100% sure what you are putting in your body. There can be impurities or additives, the actual compound might be in minimal amounts or there might even be THC in CBD products.

Another safety consideration is that we still don’t have knowledge of the long-term effects of CBD use and how it might interact with your medications for example.

So if you want to try CBD, I recommend you only try some from a well-established trusted brand with good quality control measures to make sure you are actually getting what you are paying for.

CBD Oil And Seniors

So is CBD oil a good product for seniors? Well, my answer is that it’s hard to tell currently.

It shows a lot of promise as there is a lot of anecdotal evidence for its effectiveness on many ailments that seniors tend to suffer from.

But with anecdotal evidence, it’s important to remember that it might just be due to the placebo effect in many cases.

Besides CBD still lacking in research, it’s important t realize that seniors are a special group when compared to the general population.

Aging affects many metabolic processes and your body’s reaction to chemicals. People also tend to use mode medications the older they get.

This increases the risk of drug interactions from CBD as well as the risk of liver or kidney damage.

When you finally take into consideration the fact that supplements aren’t well regulated, it might be wiser to skip CBD oil for seniors for now based on the current knowledge.

If you are adamant that you want to try it, it’s important to discuss it with your doctor so they can monitor for drug interactions or any other contraindications.


I hope you found this post about CBD oil and seniors useful. If you have any questions, you can reach me through the comments section below.

As a recap, CBD is claimed to help with many common ailments and inflammation and it’s heavily marketed for these uses. The scientific evidence is still preliminary but promising.

Because the long-term use is not well researched and supplements are currently not well regulated, there are inherent risks with using CBD products currently. Especially for seniors.

Besides, many of the claimed health effects of CBD can be achieved by combining a healthy diet, good sleep, and exercise. If you want to learn more about these you can get started by reading the articles Mediterranean Diet For Seniors, Best Sleep Aids For Seniors, and Crossfit For Seniors Over 60.

Thanks for reading and see you next time!

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